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Lessons Online active learning ecosystem update

Today, we are excited to announce the new Lessons Online active learning ecosystem update. With this update, we added new functionalities and fixed bugs that were reported by users. Furthermore we improved the layout to give students and teachers a better user experience.

Lessons Online: How to access and save lessons from the MultiTeach Lessons Community

In this video tutorial, NUITEQ's Learning Experience Designer, Lynn Marentette, demonstrates how teachers can use Lessons Online to access and save lessons from the MultiTeach Lessons Community, and set them up to send to students.

How children learn through play, using an interactive touch screen table

How to use video linked lessons with your classroom's touchscreen display

In this video tutorial, NUITEQ's Learning Experience Designer, Lynn Marentette, demonstrates how to use video linked lessons in Snowflake MultiTeach, on your classroom's touchscreen display, using the Zones, Media, Nodes or YouTube app.

Lessons Online: How to Manage Student Accounts

In this video tutorial, NUITEQ's Learning Experience Designer, Lynn Marentette, reviews the steps required to manage students in Lessons Online. Check the video above to learn more about the first-time login and how you, as a teaacher or administrator, can change students' password.

Lessons Online: How to Create Classes and Add Students

In this video tutorial, NUITEQ's Learning Experience Designer, Lynn Marentette, demonstrates how teachers can create classes and add students in Lessons Online.

Beyond the split-screen, work simultaneously in 4 Zones

In this video tutorial, Lynn Marentette, NUITEQ's Learning Experience Designer, covers the unique EdTech tool called Zones, which is part of Snowflake MultiTeach, the multitouch software suite for interactive classrooms.

How to use MultiTeach in drafting or tabletop mode with your touch screen

In this video, NUITEQ’s Director of Strategy, Dr. Edward Tse, demonstrates how Snowflake MultiTeach can be used on an interactive display in drafting and tabletop mode.

Learning Outside the Classroom Walls - Mobile Devices in Education

Dr. Monica Burns is a Curriculum and EdTech Consultant and Founder of As a classroom teacher, Monica was a vocal advocate for bringing one-to-one technology into her classroom and she used iPads to create engaging, differentiated learning experiences to meet the unique needs of...


