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NEW Certified NUITEQ Snowflake Trainer Program Launched

If last year taught us anything, it's this: at any point in time, classes may need to move from the classroom to the living room and back again. That's exactly why so many educators are looking for robust learning tools that help them become resilient against future disruptions. The problem is that...

5 Reasons You Should Invest in EdTech Software

Ever since I started working in education, first as a teacher and later as an Education Technology Coach at NUITEQ, I have met teachers with varying attitudes when it comes to technology in schools in general and EdTech in particular. Some are completely against the idea that technology should be...

Will Remote Learning Ever Become the Standard in Education?

Early in spring 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic started gathering speed and spreading uncontrollably around the globe. Many governments responded by shutting down schools and switching to remote learning or hybrid models. As a result, teachers were required to come up with ways to ensure the continued...

Strategies to Get Children to Focus During Online School

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, children across the country have had to adapt to online school like never before. While many districts have started to go back to in-person learning, some have chosen either a hybrid model or to stick with virtual school for the time being.

Remote Learning Expectations vs. Reality

Last year began just like every other year. We welcomed it with great expectations, hopes, plans, dreams, projects. Little did we know that those plans were really about to change drastically.

How to Succeed with Formative Assessment in Distance Learning

Many education systems around the world are dependent on a combination of formative and summative assessments in order to measure and promote student progress. Whereas summative assessment can be handled relatively easily even in distance learning situations, formative assessment can be a...

The Best NUITEQ Snowflake Features for Remote Learning of 2020

As we’re stepping into the final days of 2020, which was undoubtedly a challenging year, it is worth reflecting on what we could still achieve that positively impacted our lives, how we teach, and how we learn.

The Importance of Evidence-Informed EdTech

How do we measure success in education? Since the purpose of school is to impart knowledge upon students, success is measured by how much knowledge about certain subjects the students have acquired within a specific timeframe. We set goals for our students and then we use different methods to...

Teacher Spotlight: The Story of a Passionate Digital Native Teacher

When speaking about digital natives, we often think about students. In fact, Marc Prensky - American writer and speaker on education - coined the term digital natives and associated it with students. He goes further to describe teachers as digital immigrants. Before debating whether these terms are...


