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Celebrate Martin Luther King Day With 4 Activities For Your Classroom

An activist in the Civil Rights Movement, Martin Luther King Jr. will be celebrated on MLK Day which falls on January 20, 2020.

Make Education Fun With The New Release of NUITEQ Snowflake

Skellefteå, Sweden, 18 December 2019 – NUITEQ®, a collaborative software company that enables educational institutions to add value through smarter human interaction, announced today the new release of NUITEQ Snowflake (the browser-based version)

Critical Thinking - The Top Skill All Students Should Develop

Why did Bill Nye say that critical thinking is the most important skill for young people to develop? Who reviews the news and posts that we see every day on social media? And how much social media is ideal for our mental health?

4 Engaging Christmas Lesson Activities For Your Classroom

The season of great joy is back! Christmas is almost here, but school is still in session. And while you're busy getting the last perfect gift, we can help you out making Christmas fun in the classroom.

Swedish Teachers on the Future of Education

We, at NUITEQ, participated in the Teacher Union Lärarförbundet's event as exhibitors for our educational software, NUITEQ Snowflake.

Engage and Educate with Interactive Thanksgiving Lesson Activities

Each year, on the fourth Thursday of November, we celebrate Thanksgiving.

How Our Partners Leverage NUITEQ Snowflake for Success

In this video, NUITEQ's VP of Strategy and Content, Dr. Edward Tse, talks to our UK Partner, Clevertouch, and Clevertouch Distributor, Charmex, about how they use NUITEQ Snowflake to increase interactive displays sales.

Transform Teaching and Learning About American Heritage

The month of November has been recognized as the Native American heritage month since 1990. People have been living in the United States even before Christopher Columbus arrived; these people were the Native Americans. Their history, culture, and traditions are fascinating and worth learning about...

4 Cybersecurity Lesson Activities for Your Class

October has been recognized as Cybersecurity Awareness Month since 2003.


