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Critical Thinking - The Top Skill All Students Should Develop

Why did Bill Nye say that critical thinking is the most important skill for young people to develop? Who reviews the news and posts that we see every day on social media? And how much social media is ideal for our mental health?

Bill Nye on Girls' Education, Global Internet and EdTech

How can we educate in a world where some students don't even have schools to attend?

The Importance Of Teaching About Dyslexia

October is Dyslexia Awareness Month. People with dyslexia are some of the most creative individuals; how can we reduce the stigma around dyslexia in the classroom?

Scaling Up Active Learning

Teaching is shifting. The old ideas of "teaching by pouring in" or "learning by passive absorption" (John Dewey - "Democracy and Education") are being replaced with a learn by doing approach, or active learning. But what changes do we need to make to scale active learning to hundreds of classrooms...

Tips For Creating A Successful Educational Video

Many educational videos cover topics that are usually of interest to a small number of people. It does happen though that an educational video will break through the noise, become recommended, and even make it to YouTube's front page.

Mega List of Free Online Math Resources

Are you looking for free online resources for math?

NUITEQ’s Director Of Strategy Wins The Tech Edvocate Award for Best Global EdTech Leader

The fast evolution of technology transformed the way students learn and educators teach. Due to this rapid growth, the EdTech sector keeps on growing, and many innovative companies and people with great ideas came in to answer the needs of a 21st-century education system.

How to access video linked lessons from the MultiTeach® Lessons Community

In this video tutorial, NUITEQ's Learning Experience Designer, Lynn Marentette, demonstrates how to get content-rich video linked lessons from the MultiTeach® Lessons Community. The lessons can be then used in Lessons Online, from your PC, laptop, Chromebook, tablet or mobile, and in Snowflake...

History of Valentine’s Day - Fun Interactive Lessons

If you’re a teacher, you know how valuable planning ahead is. After the winter holidays, you’re surely thinking of what’s next. If you’re looking to celebrate the most romantic holiday on Earth with your classroom and teach your students the history of Valentine’s day, you came to the right place.


