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ISTE 2017 reflections

"Because, ultimately, it's not about the technology at all. It's about changing the way learning and teaching takes place to make it more meaningful and impactful for educators and learners around the globe. It's about working together to turn what-ifs into what is." - ISTE

5 things I learned at Vidcon 2017

Dr. Edward Tse, Director of Education Strategy, NUITEQ®

Educational technology conference reflections

Over the past few months I’ve spent a bit of time in airports, traveling to educational technology conferences. The travel and delays were well-worth it, because I had a chance to connect with a wide range of people, all with an interest in learning new ways to support teaching and learning with...

Highlights from this year's FETC conference

I recently attended the 37th National Future of Educational Technology Conference (FETC 2017) held at the the Orange County convention center in Orlando, Florida. This conference has a history of providing excellent presentations and workshops for educators, educational technologists, education...

Hands on with MultiTeach® collaborative software and multitouch displays

I’ll be attending the 32nd annual LACUE educational technology conference in New Orleans this week (December 7-9), where I look forward to presenting an interactive presentation featuring Snowflake MultiTeach® collaborative software running on Clear Touch Interactive multi-touch displays.


