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New touchscreen software for school classrooms released

Interactive multitouch software Snowflake MultiTeach for elementary school classrooms sees its 4.8 release


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Most children have very short attention spans.

NUITEQ solves that problem in elementary education classrooms by making learning more fun, engaging and memorable with our software suite of apps for touchscreen, creating a more interactive learning experience.

kid using touchscreen technology in classroom

We have implemented feedback from teachers, students and our partners in education, which resulted in this new Snowflake MultiTeach 4.8 release.

The changes include:

  • Added Select to Seats to pick a random seat
  • Added Shuffle to Seats to shuffle the seat placements
  • Added intro animation support to themes and added animations to Candy, Dungeon, Jungle and Space
  • Added Spanish translation for Lessons
  • Added setting to turn off the sound when a timer runs out
  • Improved British English (en_GB) translation
  • Fixed some minor interaction issues with full screen video in Lessons
  • Fixed some minor issues with some lesson types on portrait oriented screens
  • Various bugfixes and interaction improvements


classroom touchscreen software for schools

You can check out our latest video tutorial of Snowflake MultiTeach here.

More video tutorials can also be found here.

You can also have a look at the latest Snowflake MultiTeach brochure here or visit the product page here.

If you have any questions or feedback, please leave them in the comments section below.

Download free MultiTeach trial now