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Multi-touch display table frame inspiration

A while ago, I got inspired by a member of the NUIgroup community, called Frankvl. He was developing a multi-touch table himself. I was very delighted to see the frame of his display. And to me it's the nicest design of a frame for a multi-touch display which i've seen this far. So I wanted to do...

Working Flash applications with multi-touch

David "Whitenoise" Wallin, one of the main developers at NUIgroup, wrote a couple of applications in Flash 9 using Actionscript 3 to collaborate with the multi-touch display. These Flash applications communicate with TUIO data (OSC implemented) sent by Touchlib (THE open source multi-touch library).

DIY howto guide for multi-touch display update

A couple of days ago I posted about the fact that I'm occupied with writing a DIY howto guide for a multi-touch display in Dutch. I decided not to finish the Dutch version. At this point I'm translating what I already wrote down in Dutch to English and I will continue to write the howto guide in...

Project/community update

Interview Last week I was interviewed by an editor from England for a newsletter called 'LEDs in lighting and display news' published by Pira International ( I told him some about the project and I redirected him to David Wallin and to Dr. Johannes Hirche (project supervisor...

DIY FTIR Multi-touch display - webcam update

Some time ago I wrote about how to change the lens from this Philips SPC900NC webcam to let it collaborate with the DIY FTIR multi-touch project. I dissambled the entire webcam back then, which seems to be unnecessary. You can easily rotate the round grey thing (with all the small lines carved in...

Writing a DIY FTIR multi-touch display howto guide

I'm currently occupied with writing a detailed DIY FTIR multi-touch display howto guide in Dutch, which will be available for download as soon as I finished it (within 3 weeks).

DIY FTIR Multi-touch display - setting up and testing the system

Last thursday I went to school along with the display to entirely setup and test the multitouch system with my 3 projectmates Riekus van Montfort, Jurriaan Mous and Martin Kuipers.

DIY FTIR Multi-touch display - wiring the leds

After being busy for quite a while to get in shape with Actionscript 3 to collaborate with this multitouch project, I was able to work on the screen again.

Just some pictures

For those people, that are being to lazy to visit my Flickr and view my photo's over there.Here are a couple of pictures taken with my old Sweex webcam in infrared modus.


