Today Peter and I have been creating 2 silicone rubber test sheets. 1 sheet is 1 mm thick and the other one is 2 mm thick. So we can test which thickness is better. This sheet will be placed between a projection screen and the acrylic to improve the coupling between the two.
5 May, Harry van der Veen
Yesterday Peter and I worked in the metal lab on finishing the mechanism that'll hold the beamer inside the box. It's finished now and should only be attached inside the box now.

3 May, Harry van der Veen
I ran into this video on youtube, from Falcon4ever , one of my Dutch homies from the NUIgroup community, check out his video below.
2 May, Harry van der Veen
Monday 30th of April, I met the four students and the project supervisor, I'm working with. Niklas Brolin and Michael Thörnlund, are both working on the gesture recognition library. Niklas is purely concentrating on the gesture recognition itself, whereas Michael is working on the connection with...
17 April, Harry van der Veen
While surfing Youtube I found 2 video’s that were uploaded recently by 2 members of our NUIgroup community.
15 April, Harry van der Veen
Which one is faster? Firewire or USB 2.0? Alot of people struggle with this subject while being in the process of buying a camera for their multi-touch display.
13 April, Harry van der Veen
Since the beginning of the NUIgroup community, there has been a hunt to find a good piece of material to improve the coupling between the projection screen material (mylar, tracing paper, Rosco or other) and the acrylic. With just the acrylic and the project screen on top, it was very hard to...
13 April, Harry van der Veen
I came across this interesting link. It's a list about IEEE1394 Digital Camera's.