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Pictures of NUI-box in action during Researchers day in Skelleftea, Sweden

I posted earlier about the NUI-box at the Researchers day in Skelleftea, Sweden.

Natural User Interface and NUI-box in the media

A while ago we had a media presentation for a couple of Swedish news papers and a Swedish tv station. View the video below from the tv broadcast at Swedish TV4 with colleague Dr. Johannes Hirche.

NUI-box at Adobe Max Chicago

Like mentioned earlier here: we got invited to Max in Chicago by Adobe. Colleague Christian Moore was there for us to represent Natural User Interface and the NUI Group community.

NUI-box success during Researchers day in Skelleftea Sweden

The NUI-box was a great succes during Researchers day in Skelleftea, Sweden. We presented our multi-touch multi user input device called NUI-box to the public.

New photo's NUI-box (~box)

This time with a stickered black logo opposed to a spray painted one.

Multi-touch at Adobe Max Chicago by NUI and NUI Group

Videos of our NUI Framework software package

I uploaded a couple of low quality video's of the NUI Framework we have been developing in c++, displayed on our improved sensitive, no hard pressure multi-touch table. As a matter of fact, I can generate input on it by blowing from a short distance. BTW we didn't sand or polish the edges of the...

~logo on chassis

Diffused illumination setup

Together with colleagues Peter Bomark, Dr. Johannes Hirche and Tim Roth (website) we have been working on a Diffused Illumination setup. We use 4 illuminators, frostened lee filter on the inside of the box, a 3m 700 DMS projector, lee filter as a diffuser and an unibrain cam.


