7 December, Harry van der Veen
NUI Group got featured in Page, a German design magazine. The article focuses on multi-touch solutions. Big thanks to Author Jens Franke who collaborated with colleagues Christian Moore and Tim Roth to develop this article.

4 December, Harry van der Veen
NUI got featured in a French magazine called Association Francaise de Realite Virtuelle. Translation in English, below the French version. Thanks Google for translating :)
3 December, Harry van der Veen
For Tempel and BBVA we developed the DIT (Digital Interactive Table), a multi-user multi-touch screen.
2 December, Harry van der Veen
See below our video of touchEarth (Google Earth multi-touch) and a 3d model application.
1 December, Harry van der Veen
Like stated earlier, I got invited by Peter Distol from SOCO Amsterdam to be on a 3 person panel to discuss multi-touch.
27 November, Harry van der Veen
I got invited by Peter Distol from SOCO Amsterdam to attend their multi-touch event. He and his colleagues and friends together worked with a couple of people from NUI Group to make multi-touch a reality in Amsterdam. There will be workshops as well as discussions between people within the...
22 November, Harry van der Veen
Last Wednesday, the 14th of November we demonstrated the NUI-Box at Saco in Gothenburg, to make the booth for the LTU (Lulea Technical University) more attractive. It lured a lot of youngsters to the booth, whereas it was an event to create interest for students for that university.