Last week, byVolta, represented Natural User Interface at Laval Virtual / Virtual Reality International Exhibition/ in France.
7 April, Harry van der Veen
The temporary website for Natural User Interface is now online at It will be replaced in the upcoming two months.
5 April, Harry van der Veen
After having demonstrated the NUI-Box at Dreamhack Linköping (with more then 10.000 visitors the worlds biggest LAN party event), a couple of months ago, we were invited as well to Dreamhack's Skellefteå, whereas we displayed one of our multitouch multi user NUI-Box concepts, to the public.

1 April, Harry van der Veen
Update: To remove all confusion, the below message, was a first of April joke
30 March, Harry van der Veen
While checking my blog I found out that I have already been blogging here for one year. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everybody for visiting my blog, commenting, sharing ideas, joining the NUI Group community, their support and feedback.
24 March, Harry van der Veen
Last Thursday I flew to Barcelona to meet my friend Martin Kaltenbrunner from Reactable to finally check out the Reactable in real life, which is a great tangible multi input music instrument. I really like their concept. I'm sure it will be a successful concept, as already famous music artist...
24 March, Harry van der Veen
Another video of the Digitale Interactive Table (DIT) at Campus party in Brasil.
24 March, Harry van der Veen
Though not true multitouch, but single touch with the mouse driver. Divesh and Hiep playing around with Virtual DJ on the NUI-Box.
18 March, Harry van der Veen
We are happy to announce that Natural User Interface Group (NUI Group) has been selected for mentoring organization in Google Summer of Code 2008.