28 May, Harry van der Veen
After the latest news of Microsoft having plans to incorporate multitouch in their new planned operating system Windows 7, NUI today got featured in the biggest computer magazine (Computer Sweden) in Sweden.
21 May, Harry van der Veen

20 May, Harry van der Veen
NUI delivers customized multi-touch solution for Cityscape, Abu Dhabi 2008
16 May, Harry van der Veen
Find below, several pictures taken at Laval Virtual in France, a couple of weeks ago, where byVOLTA presented one of NUI's products.
25 April, Harry van der Veen
NUI, in partnership with byVolta nominated for evolution capacity at Laval Virtual.
22 April, Harry van der Veen
French Nouvelobs publishes regarding byVolta and NUI's presence at Laval Virtual.
22 April, Harry van der Veen
I am proud and happy that 7 students of the NUI Group community have been selected for Google Summer of Code 2008.
19 April, Harry van der Veen
NUI and NUI's partner byVOLTA were featured on a broadcast on French television, regarding providing multitouch solutions, after displaying the multitouch table at the events Popai and Laval Virtual in France.