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Video: Ideum's MT-50 multi-touch table hammer and bowling ball drop test

NUITEQ's partner Ideum gives a demonstration of how ridiculously robust their MT-50 multi-touch tables are.

NUITEQ wins MerIT award

NUITEQ is excited to announce, that at yesterdays gala award dinner, it received the MerIT award.

Video: Snowflake Suite on 46" flat full HD true multi-touch LCD

See below a video running Snowflake Suite on 46" flat full HD true multi-touch LCD.'s review of an earlier version of Snowflake Suite for the N-trig platform

On Youtube, I ran into this review of an earlier version of Snowflake Suite for the N-trig platform, by

NUITEQ's partner Ideum launches another great multi-touch exhibit

NUITEQ's partner Ideum launches another great multi-touch exhibit

NUITEQ wins Innovation Company of the Year 2010 award

Natural User Interface Technologies AB (NUITEQ) wins the Innovation Company of the Year 2010 award at the Alvar Gala.

Snowflake Suite featured on BBC

The high-tech world portrayed in the films Quantum of Solace and Minority Report could soon be commonplace in the boardroom.

The importance of setting accurate expectations

The importance of setting accurate expectations

Snowflake Suite on 100" multi-touch wall

Mediateam from Ukraine shot this video of Snowflake Suite on a 100" multi-touch wall


