In this video tutorial, I describe how you can change the corner menu settings of applications in Snowflake, simply by using the easy to use Configuration Editor that comes pre-installed with Snowflake.
16 November, Harry van der Veen
In this video tutorial, I describe how you can change the default starting main menu layout in Snowflake, simply by using the easy to use Configuration Editor that comes pre-installed with Snowflake.
16 November, Harry van der Veen
In this video tutorial I describe how you can easily remove applications from Snowflake, using the Configuration Editor that comes pre-installed with Snowflake.

16 November, Harry van der Veen
In this video tutorial we explain how you can replace the default main menu background in Snowflake with your own custom background.
15 November, Harry van der Veen
In the below 5 minute video I give a preview of whats new in Snowflake Suite 2.1.
14 November, Harry van der Veen
Version 2.1 of NUITEQ's award-winning multi-touch software platform Snowflake Suite will be launched in the upcoming days.
13 November, Harry van der Veen
This is what Snowflake Suite, NUITEQ's multi-touch software platform looks like by default:
3 November, Harry van der Veen
I've uploaded several screenshots of Snowflake Suite, NUITEQ's award-winning multitouch software product.
1 November, Harry van der Veen
Snowflake Suite multi-touch software platform - Customizable look and feel (no programming required)
NUITEQ's Italian Partner Interactive Box is a specialist in creating customized Snowflake templates.