Ever since I started working in education, first as a teacher and later as an Education Technology Coach at NUITEQ, I have met teachers with varying attitudes when it comes to technology in schools in general and EdTech in particular. Some are completely against the idea that technology should be...
8 April, Luke Smith
Even prior to COVID-19, remote working was steadily becoming a more prevalent part of the commercial environment. However, the pandemic has served as a catalyst for change, and in this case, it pushed many companies toward adopting work from home practices which may have taken longer to explore...
1 April, Myrto Pitsava
Early in spring 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic started gathering speed and spreading uncontrollably around the globe. Many governments responded by shutting down schools and switching to remote learning or hybrid models. As a result, teachers were required to come up with ways to ensure the continued...
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