ZaagTech uploaded the below video of their new and improved multi-touch overlay, which shows Snowflake Suite, NUITEQ's award-winning multi-touch software product, in action on the ZaagTech X3 Series 32 Touch overlay.
25 October, Harry van der Veen
The NUITEQ October News letter is out now.
25 October, Harry van der Veen
NUITEQ has been saying it for over 4 years and now the reputable information technology research and advisory company Gartner is confirming it too: “Multitouch Will Be One of the Most Disruptive Technologies of the Decade”.
23 October, Harry van der Veen
3 years ago, In October 2008, NUITEQ launched the first version of Snowflake Suite, which by then had already been developed for over a year.
7 October, Harry van der Veen
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