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Winter Swimming in Skellefteå, NUITEQ for charity

This weekend the first Scandinavian Championships in Winter Swimming will be held on the Skellefte river, next to Campus Skellefteå, home of NUITEQ's headquarters.

NUITEQ is a proud sponsor of the event, as we believe in creating awareness for the amazing city that we live in.

What started out as a joke of me saying to a colleague "If you jump in the river, you get 1000 SEK", turned into interest from two more NUITEQ colleagues to accept the same bet. And I decided to up the bet by also giving 1000 SEK per person to a charity of their choice.

NUITEQ's Business Development Manager Alex Landoni, Business Developer Janne Engblom and Interaction Designer Mohammad Alqashqish had the courage to do this and have earned the respect of their colleagues. They can now call themselves true vikings.

Alex won 1000 SEK for his charity Doctors without borders, Janne his charity of choice is Greenpeace and Mo's charity of choice is the Palestine Children's Relief Fund, all great charities and we are glad to support them.

Mo: "Please don't let go of the rope"

Alex: "Cooooooold"

Janne: "That was easy :)"

Alex: "Yeah!"

Alex happy with his 1000 SEK, Janne has to call home immediately telling his family that he did it ;P

To see more pictures, have a look on the NUITEQ Facebook page here.

Interestingly enough SVT filmed the entire thing, check it out here (from minute 39 and onward).