We're excited that we've just released multitouch software Snowflake Suite 3.1.1 (the 34th release in almost 6 years). We've invested over 25 man years of development into this product and we quite sure you'll like it.
Existing customers and partners can upgrade cost free.
You can update with ease, using the Auto Updater that comes pre-installed with Snowflake (Windows and Mac only). If you use any custom content, make sure to have a backup and don’t overwrite your custom content while updating.
Alternatively you can download the complete version of Snowflake here.
Previous Snowflake Suite release notes / change logs, can be found here.
Order your license of Snowflake online here and get started immediately.
Find the complete change log / release notes below:
Version 3.1.1 2013/01/25
- Updated to using FFMPEG 1.0 (improved compatibility with video files)
- Added setting to disable TUIO receiving
- Added setting to adjust scale when using double-tap maximize in Media Viewer
- Added support for menu settings for external applications
- Added ability to set Icon.png like MenuIcon.png to config editor
- Added password requirement on global quit button if password exit and global quit button are enabled
- Added settings in Tap to control text appearance
- Improved error checking on startup/shutdown in Launcher
- Fixed licensing issues when on highly restricted user account on Windows
- Fixed some small interaction issues in core
- Fixed small interaction issue in Wong
- Fixed some minor UI issues in Configuration Editor
- Fixed Snowflake Licensing Activation handling of registration failures
- Fixed config editor menu file creation bugs
- Fixed issues with files disappearing in Flow
Have a great weekend.
Kind regards on behalf of the entire NUITEQ crew