NUITEQ is excited to let you know that we are currently beta testing our multitouch software product Snowflake Suite 2.3 for the upcoming 2 weeks with a small select group of Customers and Partners.
We do this in order to deliver the best possible quality assurance once we release the 2.3 version to the public on the 22nd of February.
We however want to already give you now a preview of what you can expect in this exciting new version.
We have added a new application to Snowflake, now totaling an amount of 31 multi-touch software applications that come bundled with the Suite, offering even more value for money.
The new application is called Spacetube. This application is a tool that lets users explore video content that is imported from Youtube. One can either use finger gestures to explore video content, or use buttons, tags and the onscreen keyboard to search for specific videos.
Spacetube with onscreen keyboard
We completely rebuilt the Map application, making it now even more easy for users to add their own content such as images, maps, filters and it supports even video to link them to specific hotspots.
Additionally one can rotate maps as well, however this feature is disabled by default and can be enabled in the easy to use Configuration Editor that comes pre-installed with Snowflake. The Configuration Editor allows you to rapidly configure Snowflake with your personal preferences.
We've also added an e-mail functionality to the annotation layer, so that in addition to saving, loading and erasing your annotations, you can now also email your annotations. Simply use the onscreen keyboard to specify to which email address, you want to send the annotations to. The e-mail settings for the annotation layer, can easily be adjusted in the Configuration Editor that comes pre-installed with Snowflake.
In addition to the above mentioned new Spacetube app, the completely rebuilt Map and the e-mail functionality for the annotation layer, we have added the following candy to the 2.3 release:
- Added 5 new tutorials to the Snowflake SDK
We explain in detail in these tutorials how you can:
* Create a zoomable, rotatable 3d model
* Load and show an interactive PDF, with buttons to switch pages, similar to the PDF's in the Media Viewer
* Display and handle input from an onscreen keyboard,
* Add buttons to corner menus and listen to button events in the corner menu of an app
* Video controls for general video usage (load and play videos and add GUI controls to play/pause)
The Snowflake SDK is included with Snowflake Suite at no additional cost, allowing software developers to create their own multi-touch software applications.
- Added Korean installer
The Korean language now has their own support in the installer and surely we will add more languages in the near future as we believe localization is very important for our Customers and Partners.
- Added rotate button to apps running in exclusive mode
- Added support to auto-play videos in Media Viewer
- Added translation guide to the wiki and Configuration Editor
- Added setting for zoom limits in 3D Viewer
- Added mipmap setting in PDF Viewer
- Added setting to display texts right-to-left (for amongst others the Arabic language)
- Fixed issue in GMaps where it would fail to search for a location
- Fixed Piano sound volume
- Fixed application portrait issues
- Fixed issue with videos auto-playing a second of the video on start up
- Fixed minor issues with corner menus in Qt based applications
- Fixed stuck input issue in Visualization
- Fixed PDF support on Mac OS X
- Fixed various compatibility issues in Browser
- General bug fixes and improvements
We are excited about being able to offer these new exciting applications and features to our Customers and Partners.
On the 22nd of February, after the upcoming two weeks of beta testing, when Snowflake 2.3 will become available to the public, existing Customers and Partners will be able to upgrade to the new version completely cost free.
You can get your full featured life time license of Snowflake in our online store here, so that you can benefit from all these new developments.