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Snowflake Suite multi-touch software platform - Customizable look and feel (no programming required)

NUITEQ's Italian Partner Interactive Box is a specialist in creating customized Snowflake templates.

Check out the wicked work they put together, using the Snowflake Suite multi-touch software platform. No programming is required to achieve this, as content in Snowflake such as images, backgrounds, logos, pdfs, icons, videos etcetera can be easily replaced with companies their own content, to create that unique look and feel multi-touch solution.

Snowflake horizontal sliding main menu

PDF Viewer application for brochures

Corner menu in Snowflake

Loading screen

To find out how to customize Snowflake, check out the NUITEQ Support Wiki here or alternatively get in touch with NUITEQ or Interactive Box if you require any assistance to create an uniquely designed custom multi-touch experience.

Download your free trial version of Snowflake here or purchase a life time license key with its full features here.