Today NUITEQ has released the Snowflake 2.0.3 version upgrade.
Changes include:
- Added more Browser settings
- Added a limit to the amount and the size of the log files
- Fixed various hard coded paths in the applications
- Fixed general optimizations in the applications
- Fixed issue with running applications in exclusive mode
- Fixed memory leak in Puzzle when using videos
- Fixed a crash issue with receiving empty TUIO messages
- Fixed issues when running Draw and DrawOnVideo in windowed mode
- Fixed using external applications
- Fixed using submenus
- Fixed a crash issue in PDF Viewer
- Increased the max size of the keyboard in Browser
If you have any questions or feedback about Snowflake, please let us know here.
To learn more about the changes we have made to Snowflake throughout the years, check the Change Log on the NUITEQ Support Wiki here.