NUITEQ released version of its award-winning multi-touch software product Snowflake Suite, making it an even more robust and solid experience.
We strongly recommend you to download the latest version, as it includes fixes that are based on a lot of valuable feedback that we received from our clients and partners worldwide.
The following changes have been made to since its last release (1.9.2)
* Fixed an issue with a console window popping up in Media Viewer
* Fixed support for PDF files with white spaces
* Fixed a focus issue when starting Snowflake Suite Windows 7 in startup
* Fixed support for portrait mode
* Fixed support for variable filetype extension capitalization
* Fixed general PDF stability and performance issues
* Fixed interaction for PDF items in Media Viewer
* Fixed a TouchCore issue where detected blobs would stay detected even when located outside of the camera crop
* Added support for caching PDF pages in Media and PDF Viewers
* Added support for PtGrey 2.1 drivers
* Added support for OpenCV 2.1
* Added SlotMachine application to VisualPlanet version
If you are ready to enjoy the many benefits Snowflake and NUITEQ offer, including its ridiculous dedicated support or if you have any feedback for us to consider, please let us know here, as your feedback is very valuable to us, as it will allow us to improve the product and increase your satisfaction.
If you are interested to see all the improvements we have made over time, you can have a look at the Change log section of the NUITEQ Support Wiki here.