I'm excited to announce that NUITEQ's Snowflake Suite 1.7 has been released.
Major changes include Windows 7 support for digitizer hardware technology platforms like 3M Touch Systems, N-trig and Lumio.
An evaluation download of Snowflake Suite for Windows 7 (digitizer) will be shortly available. If you order Snowflake Suite for the N-trig, 3M Touch Systems or Lumio platform, you temporarily receive 10% discount + 3 months of free upgrades.
We now also offer a free evaluation download for Snowflake Suite for rear camera based solutions, so you are able to freely evaluate Snowflake Suite for all the hardware technology platforms that we support (NextWindow, rear camera and Windows 7 digitizer (3M Touch Systems, N-trig and Lumio)).
You can download Snowflake Suite's free evaluation here: http://natural-ui.com/downloads/software.php
We have extended the evaluation version in such a way that it is more flexible for the user to demonstrate.
See below the 1.7 change log:
* Version 1.7 - 2009/10/23
+ Camera crash issues
+ Stuck blobs issue
+ Made the trial version continuous instead of closing after 5 minutes
+ Made it possible to save calibration configs for all users
+ General bug fixes
+ General performance improvements
+ Updated general graphics
+ Improved the calibration procedure
+ Improved general application menus
+ Applications are now started maximized
+ Added fade in/out when launching applications
+ Added 'loading' message when launching applications
+ Added new application Snowdoku
+ Added license generation for machines without firewire or NextWindow devices
+ Added support for showing videos when pressing 'Help' in the calibration
+ Extensive logging of cameras
+ Added a delay to the corner menu activation
+ Added corner menu animations
+ Added a merge effect to Bugs
+ Added a mouse control application to TouchCore release
The alpha version of our Flash works will soon be available as a separate download.
If you have any feedback or questions, please don't hesitate to contact NUITEQ's Support Team at support [at] natural-ui [dot] com.
See below a video of Snowflake Suite 1.7 operating on the 3M Touch Systems platform: